Improving the accessibility and uptake of Climate-ADAPT – developing multilanguage content and new knowledge hubs

12th Climate-ADAPT Development Webinar

The purpose of the webinar is to present the multilanguage versions of Climate-ADAPT and the ongoing work on new knowledge hubs and any other update of Climate-ADAPT, implemented in the second semester of 2022. Actions, foreseen in 2023, will also be introduced. In interactive sessions, feedback will be gathered on the new content and functionalities as well as envisaged priorities from the perspective of Climate-ADAPT users and providers.  

Venue: Participation in the webinar is possible via a weblink. The link will be send to you after your registration.
Date: 01.12.2022, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Target audience: The target audience of the webinar are current and potential new users and information providers of Climate-ADAPT which are or might become part of the intended target audience of Climate-ADAPT, i. e., governmental decision-makers as well as the organisations supporting them in the development, implementation, and evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies, plans and actions at all governance levels in Europe. Beyond that, all other users are welcome to participate in the webinar.

Please find here the link to the event page with more information, as well as the agenda, registration, and access to connection details.

The European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT

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